May 25, 2009

Last spring we were going to do some landscaping in the front yard, but never got around to it. With my parents in town visiting, and some good weather, we decided it was time to do the landscaping. Brooke's parents came over to help out as well. So with six of us working, we were able to get a lot done in a day. We dug up some grass near the street to put in some plants, and had to add dirt in the two planters by the house to keep water from running towards the foundation. We used the grass we dug up to fill in bare spots in the front and back lawns.

Here's the front yard from the front door before we started.

Brooke's parents hard at work. Looks like Brooke is doing a good job supervising.

Some new plants up front.

And the two planters by the house have something other than weeds now.