Seattle and such... (May 29 -June 2)

Chris and I went to look at houses in Seattle. We had some extra time before meeting with some friends, so
decided to check out the Arboretum by UW. Chris took some pictures of the flowers and park there.

When we met up with Kelly at her new place on the Seattle waterfront, we went and walked around the new Olympic
Sculpture Park. It was interesting... if you like modern art.

On Saturday, my parents, Chris and I went to visit my cousins in Seattle, Helen and Vince just welcomed their
new baby girl, Guiliana, to their family a week before! Lindsay was there too, so I could meet their little
one, Amare. And Kerri and Matt also came and we got to see how big Jake is getting. I think he's getting ready
to walk away!

Flowers in the Arboretum

A pond area in the Arboretum.

The pond had lily pads and some lilies too!

Olympic Sculpture Park

Mt. Rainier came out to say hello to us while we were there.

Interesting art sculpture to walk around.

The Space Needle!

Cousin's kids

Anthony being shy with his dad, Vince.

Jake, almost ready to walk on his own!

Lindsay and Amare.

Giuliana, one week old!